Willing To Go is registered in the United States as a 501c3 non profit corporation. You can set up securely and quickly with any major credit card.
PayPal securely processes donations for Willing To Go, Inc. You can complete your payment with just a few clicks.
Willing To Go, Inc.
P.O. Box 90006
Chattanooga, TN 37412
EIN: 46-1870287
Willing To Go, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3)
* All donations are tax deductible and receipts will be mailed to you at the end of the year *
Make checks payable to Willing To Go, Inc. If you’re donating to a specific project or missionary, please write that in the memo of your check. Also, please include your email address so we can update you on where your money goes.
Moon Clerk and Stripe processes donations for Willing To Go, Inc. This is the fastest and most simple way to start investing in Willing To Go, Inc. And it’s secure! You’re only two clicks from being totally set up to support one of our missionaries.